Monday, June 4, 2012

Fulford's newsletter blurb for June 4 2012: Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fulford's newsletter blurb for June 4 2012: Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 4-Jun-2012 20:55:54
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 2012-06-04: Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin
The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and how to arrange a harmonious rapport between East, West, North and South.It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st.
full text available at:


Anonymous said...

So we have to negotiate peace with the very ones , who, throughout history have constantly changed their identity and made themselves look like the good guys but were criminals instead. Wow, they have won . No one ever learns. These cabal members are just waiting for another opportunity to enslave mankind and now we will have to deal with them at some point in the future doing this to mankind all over again. So much for the happiness and stability of future generations but as long as we get ours right?

Anonymous said...

Benjamin Fulford 6-5-12…”Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin”…[Kp:"Thank you for Bringing Light into this Process"] Posted on 2012/06/04 . KAUILAPELE: This new article by Ben describes a process “beginning” that may very well indicate a turn of “heart” by the dark ones (if those “dark ones” still have a heart that can be touched). A lot of interesting news, as always. I am publishing this week’s article, in its entirety, for one reason… I got that it is very important for all of us to bring as much Light as possible, directly to every single aspect of what is described as occurring in the article. This is much more than a “personal” choice. It is a very strong Guidance that the entire Ben piece needs to be seen, read, and en-Lightened. This is the time, during this 6-4 (full moon), 6-5 (Venus solar transit), and 6-6 (Gaia portal opening), of the unfolding of the new Flower of Hue-manity. It is extremely powerful. ....(....)